It's been a while since I have posted. Things have been crazy for us. My family seems to be on the go, and there never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done. So, by the time I get a moment to sit down, I am totally exhausted. I am trying to figure out a way to manage everything and keep my cool. God knows, I need to help with that.
Vicky and I have given into temptation. Logan has been sleeping very well until about 3 or 4 AM. At that time he wakes all the time. However, if we put him in our bed he sleeps the rest of the night. So, it just seems to work for all of us, is that when he wakes he comes and gets into our bed. Would you believe he actually slept until 9:30 AM last Saturday. Holy crap, I haven't slept that late since he was born. Now I know many of you cringe when you here he is sleeping with us, but when you haven't slept through the night in 2 to me then!
You may have noticed the books on my page now. Many of you know (or may not know) that I am an avid reader now. OK, pick up your jaws, yes the Tim you know is reading. Actually I have been for the last 3 or so years. I basically read business or self help books. Not self help as in I am addicted to anything. More like time management, stress, and that type of stuff. As far as the business stuff, I read Marketing and Management books. I have a rule, I have to get something out of the book. I prefer not to read fiction. To me if I am not learning something from the book, its a waste of time. Any how I have listed a few books on the right that I have read recently. Have a look, I would recommend them to any one. I might even write a review for one some day.
Well, I am going to try to write more often. So stay tuned for more...
5 years ago